
My Not-So-Guilty Pleasure

I am a sap for all things motivational and inspirational. The Olympics. Hallmark commercials. Quote images on Instagram. These are things that make me feel all the feels, and I am not too ashamed to admit it. The worst offender at the moment is the quote images on Instagram. I love love LOVE quote images. I don't even care if it's a famous person's quote or not; if the pic is pretty and there are words, there's a 90% guarantee I'll double-tap that.

Side note: I hate when quotes are attributed to someone who never said them, but that's another post.

I am fully aware that most of these are cliches, and not particularly well thought out. I don't care. It's my not-so-guilty pleasure, just like yours might be watching Empire or singing along to the Spice Girls' first album in your car. Here's what goes through my head:

This one. YES! Life is hard but DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP! Also, pretty blue sky and lake and is that a sailboat? Where is that? I want to go to there!

This is SO TRUE! Also, I want to go hiking so bad! When will winter be over?! Oops, I guess that was kind of like "counting the days", wasn't it? Look how green and lush it is!

A SUNSET! I love sunsets! I want to be an adventurer, with someone who calls me "darling", like we're in a movie in the 1940's with those adorable Mid-Atlantic accents!

I like what I do! That's why I'm so happy!!! This quote GETS ME. Also, mountains. *sigh*

OMG a DEER! And it's in the forest and it's magical! I want to do all the things that are good for my soul - like finding that deer in that forest and hugging it.

... It pretty much goes on like that until my boyfriend gives me a look that means "get off your phone and have a human conversation, please." I know that some of them are absolutely lame, but I still like them!

What are YOUR guilty pleasures? Are you as obsessed with motivational quote images as I am?
Audition season is here! If you want to step up your Shakespeare game, 
email to schedule your first session!

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