
Take the 7-Day Shakespeare Challenge!

Join me for a week-long SHAKESPEARE CHALLENGE!
I'll be working my way through Timon of Athens, but feel free to pick any play you'd like.

If you want a day-by-day breakdown, here's an idea:

Day 1: Choose your play, tag a friend to be your accountability partner, and read Act 1!

Day 2: Read Act 2 and check in with your friend to see how they're doing!

Day 3: Read Act 3 and let me know who your favorite character is so far!

Day 4: Read Act 4 and let me know what's happened that has surprised you!

Day 5: Finish reading the play and check in with your friend to see how they're doing!

Day 6: If you've fallen behind with your reading, catch up today! Then find a film version of the play on YouTube and watch the first half of it.

Day 7: Finish watching the play and CONGRATULATE yourself and your partner for getting your Shakes together this week!

Join me on Facebook and Instagram and let me know which play you chose!

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