
Are You Making These Audition MISTAKES?

You're a hardworking actor; pounding the pavement, rocking a survival job, and being an all-around BOSS. You're talented, you want it, and you take your craft seriously. Despite all that, you might be making some disastrous choices ITR (that's "in the room", for anyone getting the hang of the Audition Update acronyms).

It's not entirely your fault! Casting Directors are busy people. They're not at the EPA to teach you - they just need to cast a show. So when someone comes in and makes a boo-boo, they just assume they're new or underprepared, say "thank you", and move on. But that actor that makes a classic newbie blunder will just keep doing it over and over again at every audition, and probably keep not getting cast.

That's why you need exclusive access to my training video covering the Top 5 MISTAKES Actors Make in Shakespeare Auditions. And you know what? I'm giving you access to these tips for FREE!

Get Your SHAKES Together HERE!

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