

As I write this, things are picking up for Audition Season 2017. It's the time of year when many actors are getting up at stupid-o'clock-in-the-morning to try to get as many auditions done around their day-jobs as they possibly can; braving the freezing winter air for an hour or two in the line outside Ripley-Grier because they weren't fortunate enough to snag a spot on the brand-new online signup system that seems perpetually overloaded, and NEVER with enough coffee in their systems to deal with that crazy person that is just dying to know what your opinion is on their audition material while you wait in line. 

The struggle is real, my friends.

Or maybe it isn't this year. I wouldn't know because I'm doing this hip new thing I like to call:


I love being an actor, but sometimes, you gotta take a step back and evaluate your #priorities
Note: if you happen to be reading this out loud (I don't know why you would, but maybe you're just awesome like that), then be sure to note that #priorities should be read "hashtag priorities." It's more fun.

I'm getting married this year. I don't want my wedding to be a hot mess, so I need to spend time on it, because it matters to me. And so does my work as a Shakespeare Coach. And so does sleep. And so does actually spending time with my awesome future husband. Auditioning for shows that happen between now and my wedding is not in line with my #priorities, so I'm staying out of the audition scene for the most part and getting stuff done.

Do you need to stop killing yourself over auditions and be a person first? 

If you got let go from your day job tomorrow, would you be able to pay your rent and eat something other than ramen noodles? If not, maybe you should skip or cut down on your auditioning to get some savings. #priorities

Is NYC driving you just a little bit bananas? Did you not see your family over the holidays? Do you just need a break so that you don't flip out at people? You can take a break if you want! Your mental health, your family, and your overall happiness can overrule your need to get in the room. #priorities

Has your significant other stopped feeling significant because you're so wrapped up in your career? Taking time off, even just a day or two, can help you gain some balance. #priorities

It is very easy to let the feverish energy and pace of audition season make you feel like you are constantly in a race with all the other actors in NYC to be the first in line in the morning, the first to book a gig for the summer, or even to be the actor that managed to get seen at the most auditions on any given day. If we're keeping with the race analogy, remember that it's a marathon, not a sprint, and you're not actually competing against anyone... so it's not really a race, which is why that metaphor is kinda lame. There will always be more auditions. Really.

If you're someone who thrives on the four hours of sleep you're getting the night before an audition, God bless you. Very few people, if any, can sustain that for the 3 months or so of audition season. There is no shame in realizing that your #priorities are not in auditioning for every single thing or everything you're perfect for or anything at all right now. Be a person first, and an actor maybe fourth.

Much love,

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